Friday, September 12, 2008

Wrapping things up

We returned to Cleveland late on Tuesday night.  My doctor's appointment was yesterday and I was greeted with, "Wow, you look great!"  The other doctor said, "You've really filled in!"  Normally I might wince at that comment, but now it means I'm returning to health.  I've gained 5 pounds (was this due to Grandpa's yummy griddle cooking last week?) with some returned energy.  In some ways it's still the beginning--I have possibly a year of medication ahead of me.  But I am going full of courage in the Lord as he has given much direction and answered prayers.

We plan to return to Mor. on Sept. 23.  The Spanish school has very clearly said that the kids could not enter this year due to not being there for the first week of classes and not passing the tests.  So I scrambled to put together some homeschool material, thankful that we have homeschooled for the last years as the kids (and mom) are used to the routine.  Also, our wonderful insurance company agreed to give us several months of pills in advance, for which we are thankful.  So things are coming together.  Now, if only Auntie Sara would have her baby before we leave! 

Some points for prayer:
--The doctor just changed my medication due to the fact that she can't monitor me overseas to see if my body is absorbing it well.  Please pray that this new one wouldn't bring any yucky side effects and that my lung would continue to heal--even filling in the cavity.
--Upon our return Patrick will need to apply for a new visa under our medical association and also we will need to find an apartment in our new city.  Both of these can be slow processes so we ask for the Lord's grace and favor in the midst of them.
--Pray that our children would transition well.  They have had a blast in the states and are slowly gearing up to our return.  Pray that our new city would feel like home to them, that they would love people in our new neighborhood. 

Thank you so much for your prayers.